Thursday, September 13, 2012

Solid Food

We started E on solid food this month. Our first pediatrician, in TX, suggested we start with avocado instead of rice cereal, and I really liked that idea. Also, it seems alot easier to prep avocado than rice cereal to me.

Our pediatrician now encouraged me to start now because "it takes a while for them to get the hang of it." She was showing SO much interest in everything everyone around her was putting into their mouths so I thought, lets just go with her natural inclination. I want her to enjoy meal time and encourage her natural curiosity (within safe boundaries, of course).

So we started with avocado. I set everything up not expecting her to eat much or any at all really. It was more for the experience. I know alot of babies really dont like it and honestly, just cant eat it the first time.

She was amazing! She loved the avocado and actually got some of it down, despite her natural sucking reflex causing her tongue to expel most of it. :) She opened her mouth for more when the spoon came to her mouth.

Wow! That's not too bad. :) 

I started with just avocado and breastmilk for the first week. Then added rice cereal to that. She liked both. I just used my baby food maker two nights ago and started feeding her sweet potato. She doesn't seem to enjoy that as much, so I might back off and try it again at some later date. The great thing is that its already made and stored in freezer friendly packs. I dont want meals to become a battle or traumatic at this early of an age, so for now, I'm cool with sticking to what she likes. We might try another type of cereal next week (barley, oatmeal, etc).

I love my baby food maker. I hope I get to use it. It was so easy to by one organic sweet potato, chop it up, and put it in the machine. It did almost all of it for me and SO much cheaper than buying organic baby food.

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