Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Setting up for Evelyn

Drew has done some excellent work setting things up for Evelyn the last two weeks. He is already such a dedicated father. 

Here he is putting the dresser together. I love that he is so handy. 

The finished product - I think it looks awesome! This is where we plan to store all of Evelyn's things and have a changing area on top. Drew's dad generously purchased the dresser for us. I will take more pics soon with all the items stored inside it as well as the changing area set up. Any suggestions on how best to organize the drawers? 

My parents got us the glider & ottoman we wanted. Drew set it up and I have enjoyed it everyday since then. :) I know I will be spending hours here rocking our girl to sleep, reading books, and of course, feeding her.

I think our living room looks really nice now. There is more space for people to sit and everything is neatly stored away. Having everything organized and cleaned has cut down tremendously on my anxiety level! I sleep so much better these days. 

Drew also cleaned up most of the house this weekend. Sad to say, but I don't think it has looked this clean in every room since we moved in. I usually just cant get to it all myself in one weekend. All the laundry is even done! :) Thank you Lord for my loving servant of a husband! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

36 weeks

I had my doctors appointment today, 36 weeks. Everything continues to look good, although I think she was surprised that I have not been feeling more contractions. I know they have been happening, but I rarely notice them. When I do realize that I'm having one I have to confirm by feeling all around my belly to make sure its actually tightening and not just Evie moving around. ;) So for now, it looks like she will be waiting a while longer to make her grand entrance.

Evelyn's heart rate has slowed some from the 140s to 130s. This is supposed to be normal. I continue to feel her kicking, turning, and waving throughout the days and nights. Its become part of our evening entertainment to watch my belly move into odd shapes as she moves around. She is about 5 pounds now and starting to outgrow her home. :)

I am still comfortable enough with her in there though. I have been sleeping better the last week or so...although it might be that I have just gotten used to sleeping in 3-4 hour shifts, but I manage to piece together a good night's sleep. I got over my cold from last week, so I am back to working out and I think that makes a big difference. I can't do anything too strenuous anymore. I either get too winded or I sap all my energy away and feel like going to bed at 7pm. My new routine is to walk briskly or cycle for 30-45min 4-5 times a week and lift weights 2-3 times a week. Movement, stretching, and lots of water throughout the day seem to really help keep the aches and pains away.

Homemade Baby Items

We have received several baby items that have been lovingly handmade by friends and family. I am so thankful for these gifts
One, for their usefulness
Two, for their beauty
Three, (and perhaps most importantly) I think they help connect us with these loved ones who made them, even though they all live far away.

From my maternal grandmother: A blanket, two sets of booties, two sets of hats, and a beautiful sweater all the way from Pennsylvania.

From my dear friend Kelly (who also took maternity photos for Drew and me): lovely, delicate, girly shoes from Plano TX.

From my friend and co-worker Sara in Lubbock at Texas Tech: a Taggie. She made one for her daughter (7 months). Babies like to chew on and play with tags and there is crinkly paper between the fabric which makes for lots of good sense stimulation (touch, sight, & hearing).

From my paternal grandmother and aunt: Baby Brezza food maker from Michigan. I know its not homemade strictly speaking, but it will allow me to make some homemade delicious & nutritious food for Evelyn. My grandmother is also finishing a handmade quilt for Evie too! I cant wait to take pictures.

From my friend Kathleen's mom, Marcia: A quilt, boppy pillow covers, changing pad & cover, crib skirt, and valence from Plano, TX.

(the lighting on this one isn't great, it looks alot more washed out than it really is) 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

35 week picture

Drew grabbed a shot of me cooking in the kitchen this week. I am getting over my cold and have not really felt up to being photographed or seen in public, thus the reason I am wearing pjs at 7 in the evening. Classy, I know. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Baby Shower

 This is the lovely and generous Brenda, hostess extraordinaire! 

She is good friends with my mom and threw me a beautiful baby shower last weekend. Drew and I were completely blown away by her generosity! We have a home full of baby gear we really needed. 

You can see some of the beautiful decorations in the background. Every area was covered in lovely pink baby items. :)
The soon to be mom and grandmom. :) 

My mom, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law did alot to help too! I can't believe how big I am getting - its hard to miss that belly now. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

35 weeks

I cannot believe we have made it this far! It has gone by so quickly!

Baby Evelyn dropped sometime last week. I can feel her much lower in my abdomen. Positives - I can breathe more easily, especially when I lay down to sleep. Negatives - I waddle more often, have to go to the bathroom almost every hour, and bending over is just ugly. :)

Our doctor says she is probably still several weeks from birth, so we are sticking to the March 26th due date.

I also came down with a cold over the weekend. I thought I was tired before, but now I'm really tired. I told Drew it has taken my mind off of the pregnancy symptoms I had been complaining about. I guess its true that you never really value being healthy until your sick. I think I'll be feeling better in a day or two.

We had a really great baby shower in Dallas this past weekend (pictures and short post to come). We were definitely showered with love. I feel alot better about bringing a baby into the world now. We have most of the items we really need and so many things that are really fun and cute extras. We are very privileged.

Drew is working on building the dresser as I type tonight and plans to go buy & set up the car seat later this week. He has been amazingly supportive and helpful. I am so thankful to have him around and more available these next few months. God definitely knew what he was doing in timing all of this!

Things I still have left to do:
1. Wash and organize baby clothes
2. Set up changing area (after dresser is assembled)
3. Pack hospital bag
4. Write out birth plan
5. Make freezer meal kits (for us) & cookies (for hospital staff)