Tuesday, February 21, 2012

35 weeks

I cannot believe we have made it this far! It has gone by so quickly!

Baby Evelyn dropped sometime last week. I can feel her much lower in my abdomen. Positives - I can breathe more easily, especially when I lay down to sleep. Negatives - I waddle more often, have to go to the bathroom almost every hour, and bending over is just ugly. :)

Our doctor says she is probably still several weeks from birth, so we are sticking to the March 26th due date.

I also came down with a cold over the weekend. I thought I was tired before, but now I'm really tired. I told Drew it has taken my mind off of the pregnancy symptoms I had been complaining about. I guess its true that you never really value being healthy until your sick. I think I'll be feeling better in a day or two.

We had a really great baby shower in Dallas this past weekend (pictures and short post to come). We were definitely showered with love. I feel alot better about bringing a baby into the world now. We have most of the items we really need and so many things that are really fun and cute extras. We are very privileged.

Drew is working on building the dresser as I type tonight and plans to go buy & set up the car seat later this week. He has been amazingly supportive and helpful. I am so thankful to have him around and more available these next few months. God definitely knew what he was doing in timing all of this!

Things I still have left to do:
1. Wash and organize baby clothes
2. Set up changing area (after dresser is assembled)
3. Pack hospital bag
4. Write out birth plan
5. Make freezer meal kits (for us) & cookies (for hospital staff)

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