Monday, February 27, 2012

Homemade Baby Items

We have received several baby items that have been lovingly handmade by friends and family. I am so thankful for these gifts
One, for their usefulness
Two, for their beauty
Three, (and perhaps most importantly) I think they help connect us with these loved ones who made them, even though they all live far away.

From my maternal grandmother: A blanket, two sets of booties, two sets of hats, and a beautiful sweater all the way from Pennsylvania.

From my dear friend Kelly (who also took maternity photos for Drew and me): lovely, delicate, girly shoes from Plano TX.

From my friend and co-worker Sara in Lubbock at Texas Tech: a Taggie. She made one for her daughter (7 months). Babies like to chew on and play with tags and there is crinkly paper between the fabric which makes for lots of good sense stimulation (touch, sight, & hearing).

From my paternal grandmother and aunt: Baby Brezza food maker from Michigan. I know its not homemade strictly speaking, but it will allow me to make some homemade delicious & nutritious food for Evelyn. My grandmother is also finishing a handmade quilt for Evie too! I cant wait to take pictures.

From my friend Kathleen's mom, Marcia: A quilt, boppy pillow covers, changing pad & cover, crib skirt, and valence from Plano, TX.

(the lighting on this one isn't great, it looks alot more washed out than it really is) 

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