Tuesday, April 10, 2012

First Bath

My mom came back into town last week and helped us catch up - on sleep, on cleaning, on how to take care of our daughter. Thank you Mommy! We needed it.

She gave Evelyn her first bath at home. We are supposed to keep her umbilical cord stump dry until it falls off on its own, so its was just a sponge bath for now.

 She loves the warm water and was alert and totally mesmerized the whole time. 
 Getting warm and dry in her bunny towel. 


I'm realizing there is alot of "new normals" that we are transitioning into as parents. One of them, that I had not thought about is sharing.

I'm with Evelyn all day everyday, and I'm soooooo thankful for her. I'm in awe! I could just stare at her and cuddle all day. I think she is amazing. My world literally revolves around her now (side note: I think this is okay for these first weeks of adjustment, but do not plan to make my life all about my child in the future). And when I'm around other people I just assume they want to know about her, so I start to share.

She is what I talk about now. I hope this isn't annoying to those around me, but I forget that they might not really care that she went for a walk with me in her stroller, is starting to latch without help, or soothed herself to sleep last night after only 7 minutes of crying (felt like eternity to Momma!). But this is one of my new normals. I think she is incredible. I want to celebrate and cherish all her many achievements, mundane & extraordinary.

...you'll just have to excuse me if I don't think any of it is mundane ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

First Easter

We took Evelyn up to see our family for Easter this past weekend. She did great! She slept the whole drive up and back, all the little trips in between, and through the church service. The drive back late Sunday night was difficult - lots of traffic and she was reaching the end of her time between feedings, but we got back safely and nursed as soon as we were home. :)

 Her Easter outfit. 

 With Granny and Grandpa after church. 
 All the cousins

 Evelyn liked being held by her Uncle Brian
 These two are going to be best friends! They are only 10 weeks apart. Kathleen and I are both going to be stay at home moms next year and only live 3 hours apart! Can you say play-date?
 Meeting Drew's dad, "Papa", for the first time.
Three generations of Kellys :)