Happy New Year!
I usually avoid these. If I make resolutions, turn a new leaf, or repent (to turn from something) of something its usually at random times throughout the year. This one happened to come out of a few conversations with Drew (supplied by ample time to chat on our drives during the holidays) and coincided nicely with the New Year...so my New Year's resolution 2011 is:
To be more committed to blogging. I am going to attempt to post at least once a week. Hopefully more.
I think it will be a good opportunity for me to keep developing my writing skills. I have not ruled out the possibility of writing a book one day and while I am no longer in school I have found ways of developing my scholarly inclinations in other ways (primarily reading, watching documentaries, and asking lots of questions). Writing has been lacking.
Also, I would like to be better about keeping my friends and family updated on our lives, and the blog helps...if they read it. :)
Finally, my last reason is that I am developing into a better cook and baker. Not great, but better. I have been inspired by a few other food blogs. I would like to have a running account of my progress and what I have tried the I liked, and if other people like them too. And if anything I make helps my fellow man, thats great too. I can only assume there are others out there like me whose time and budgets are tight, but who love tasty, healthy food made in the comfort of their own home.
So, feel free to keep me accountable...or just expect to hear from me here more often. BTW, Drew said he would try to contribute every-so-often as well.
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