Friday, June 22, 2012

Holding Her Head Up!

Evie can hold her head up all on her own now. This means several things...
1. Its much harder to clean out her neck because we can no longer gently tilt her head back. She is strong enough to resist. :)
2. I can carry her in the wrap facing out in front of me. She loves getting to go for walks and the grocery store with me like this. I like it because I can carry her around hands free, get a few things done, and feel like I'm teaching her a little bit all at the same time.
3. She can sit in her special Bumbo chair all by herself now. I have a video, but I'm having a hard time uploading it. For now, here are some pics:
 This way she gets to sit with us when we eat at the table. This is our new dining room table. Our old one was a little small and counter height, which we figured would be difficult for her to sit at when she gets older. 
 I dont know if you can tell, but she is very curious about everything going on around her. She has some distinct pondering faces. :) 

Who? Are you talking about me?
She gets a little tired of sitting up after a few minutes, but at least the sides are soft enough for when she slumps over.

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