Tuesday, December 27, 2011

26 weeks

Here is my 26 week photo update. We had a great time visiting family this week. I am feeling really good - no serious aches or pains and plenty of energy. I can't believe my second trimester is coming to a close!

I feel her kicking around a lot more often now and even notice little hiccups (they are a very strange rythmic pulsing feeling). I think her little head is pressing down on my sciatic nerve though because I have sharp lower back pain almost all the time now. I need to keep doing my stretches. :)

In the next few weeks I will have my gestational diabetes test (so fun! you get to skip breakfast, down some really nasty sugar orange drink, and then have your blood drawn) and another sonogram to look at her brain development and positioning.

I am getting more excited, but I can't say I am ready for her to make her appearance just yet. I am glad for another 2 1/2 months to read some books, get baby gear organized, and cook some meals to store in the freezer for those first few weeks.

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