I like it because even though I am reading by myself, it allows me to remember and know that I am part of something bigger. I am participating in something communal that women and men all over the world are taking part in. It also appeals to the Historian in me. :)
Today I read Isaiah 11:1-10. This week is focus on the longing and yearning we have for the Lord, for his Kingdom, and for the peace he alone can bring. I think many of us have experienced excitement and even a sense of longing for Christmas...a time to see family and friends, rest from work, step away from a diet, receiving and giving gifts, etc. To me, it has been good to reflect back on where that sense of longing really comes from. We live in a fallen world, where we are conscious of our flaws and the flaws of those around us more often than not. And yet, at Christmas we often have a feeling that brokenness and pain should not be. Sometimes we try to mask it with the bright lights, parties, presents, food, and company. (I am not saying these things are bad at all, but they are no solution in themselves).
I have been reminded that I am not so very different from men and women living over 2000 years ago, with great political upheaval, disease, hunger, unemployment, fear, and uncertainty surrounding them. I long for peace, health, an end to hunger, genocide, war, and even death. I long for people to live with purpose and hope. I long for a King who is good, righteous, just, powerful, and loving. I long for him to bring a Kingdom where evil cannot stand.
I know there is such a King and that he lived on this earth, and is coming back one day. So I try to honor him this week, the first week of Advent by longing for him and his Kingdom.
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