Drew, being the kind servant that he is, also volunteered to help a good friend tile his kitchen the same weekend. Which, made things a little more complicated and definitely tired him out. I am really glad that he was able to help them out though.
We also had several friends and my parents come help us with everything, which was a HUGE help. Thank you so much!
Here are a few pictures of our move, well mostly after the move:
The moving crew: Drew, Tiffany (from our community group), Clayton, and Sean (both med students)
We are mostly unpacked at this point, so I am planning to take a short video tour through the apartment and load it later. Stay tuned. :)
I think we are glad, overall, to be back in Bryan. It was nice to see some friends the same week. It really made me realize how much community we have, especially compared to the same time last year. Also, we are super thankful for our new apartment. It is bigger and cheaper than the last one, better lit, seems safer, and has new carpet and paint! We really lucked out.
We are also a little sad though, as it means the summer is over. Drew has already started back to full time med school classes this week. Our together time has dropped, but we are still making an effort to carve out time and make it quality. :)
Drew also seems more prepared and better able to take on the fire hydrant of information they throw at him. Plus, we are both eager to get through one more year, so he is that much closer to being able to practice medicine and interact with the sick.
1 comment:
Congrats on the move and new apt! Can't way to see the tour:)
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