We got a chance to celebrate together this last weekend. He is pretty low key and prefers a night in to going out, so that is exactly what we did.
We ordered Pei Wei for dinner...btw, if you order take out online you get 25% your first order. That was a nice birthday surprise. We love saving money. ;)
Then we rented the next disc of ROME. (disclaimer, there are some more R rated parts to this show, I don't recommend it to everyone). We have been watching that each weekend for date nights. I studied Ancient History in highschool and college and loved every minute of it. Drew studied more of modern history, but is definitely loves the ancient stuff too. We love this series because it is soooo historically accurate, the sets are amazing, and the acting is very good too. I could go into more, but without writing an essay here...Americans are very similar to Romans and it makes watching this all the more interesting. I would not go so far to say history is repeating itself, but reflecting on the past always makes for good discussion. The writing on the show is also very well done, witty and ironic in the right places, and does an excellent job of highlighting sociological norms and political intrigue without getting preachy.
I also wanted to make a special treat for Drew. The first year we were dating I made the mistake of baking a chocolate cake for his birthday, forgetting that he doesn't eat chocolate very often. (he was very gracious about it and ate the cake anyway). :) However, I have since learned my lesson and payed careful attention to the treats he particularly likes (usually peanut butter cookies, apple turnovers, anything his mom makes but especially her pumpkin pie and german chocolate cake). So I called up Nanci to get her pumpkin pie recipe. I didn't make the crust from scratch like she does, I am just not that talented or confident of a baker. But I think the pie turned out pretty well. You can also see our fall table decorations :) I love fall!