Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yucky Flu Virus

Drew was very very sick the past 48 hours! He came down with the flu (despite getting the shot) on Thursday and just emerged from his sick bed this morning. His fever spiked to 103 and I couldn’t keep enough fluids in him without causing nausea. So I ended up taking him to the Urgent Care clinic in College Station. They gave him to some IV fluids and a shot to calm his nausea (which apparently really hurts). The doctor wasn’t too worried about him, but just said he needed to stay hydrated.
I had our InterVarsity Large Group (prayer, worship, and teaching) meeting to go to last night, but I ended up staying home because I was worried about him. After he came home from the clinic all he wanted to do (understandably) was sleep but then he would forget to drink anything. So I stayed home and woke him up every 15 minutes or so for the next 3-4 hours to make sure he drank small amounts regularly. My students were so understanding and helpful – they took care of all that needed to be done for Large Group and prayed for us!
Drew’s fever broke around 1:00am and he slept through the rest of the night…which meant that I finally got some rest too. Again, my students were so sweet – they called to make sure we were okay and even brought us soup and bread for dinner. It was such a blessing too because I was already worn out from taking care of Drew and cleaning the rest of the house that I was dreading cooking dinner! Thank God for such caring souls.

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Haircut and Color

Drew got me a great present for Christmas - a gift certificate to a spa and salon to use however I liked. Isn't he awesome?!?

So I decided to put it to good use. I had been wanting to get my hair cut for a while and was also wanting a change. Although, when I want a change I am limited because I refuse to chop off a bunch of my hair after a rather tramatic haircut in the 8th grade. So I decided to go blonde and get bangs. Here are the pictures...

Do you like it?

Nicole's InterVarsity Christmas Update Letter

I love sharing about my ministry! The following is the text and a few pictures from my December/Christmas prayer letter which I sent out to supporters. I thought some of you might be interested.

Greetings and Merry Christmas! Thank you all so much for your tremendous support of this ministry over the past few months. I have deeply appreciated your prayers and donations. I pray that you and yours have a truly merry Christmas season. Hopefully, some of the exciting news from my ministry on campus will make your celebrations that much brighter!

Conversational Evangelism and Cultural Celebrations
Thirteen students from Asian American InterVarsity (AAIV) organized and pulled off an evangelism and outreach event the week before Thanksgiving Break. All the Latino and Asian groups on campus gathered together to share in an evening of cultural expression. We were able to share two important parts of our fellowship’s culture – we are loved by Christ and we are created uniquely and purposefully to share that love with others.

The AAIV students conversed and shared with about twenty students. Of those, ten students wanted to continue to be contacted and build relationship with AAIV and four expressed interest in beginning a GIG (Group Investigating God – students meet regularly to discuss Jesus and his ministry in light of scripture).It was a great joy to see AAIV students enthusiastically participating in outreach. One of the students was so engaged in meeting new people that when her shift at our booth ended she left to continue conversation with a few girls she met at our table!

How awesome to see students boldly reaching out in new ways and gaining a passion for reaching out to their campus with the love of Jesus! We will continue to pray for the students we met and preach the Gospel on campus. We are in the process of planning other evangelism strategies for the spring semester and will keep you updated.

Contextualizing the Gospel on Campus
I have met up with the Austin College leaders once each month this semester. All of their events this year have been focused on building strong disciples through small groups and reaching out to the campus through specific events. They have two very strong small groups with ten to fifteen regular members in each. These students are not only studying the Bible each week, they are applying it to their lives. The women’s small group is studying prayer and one of the leaders told me: “Nicole, these girls are really searching out what it means to pray by practicing it! They are actively praying for each other and sharing their lives with each other.”

The AC students also decided to reach out the campus in several ways, one of which was helping to sponsor the events on WorldAIDs Day (Decemeber 1st). By partnering with the AIDs awareness group on campus (who usually has little to no contact with Christians) they were able to build trust and forge relationships with other students, thus laying a healthy foundation to begin sharing the Gospel. The InterVarsity students also shared God’s heart for the orphan with the campus by selling orange World Vision “orphan” t-shirts (the proceeds help provide for orphans of AIDs in Africa). Their goal was to have 1 in every 20 students wearing an orange t-shirt be the end of the day, thus mimicking the staggering statistic of how many children are orphaned in Africa by the HIV/AIDs pandemic. On a campus where religion is often mocked the InterVarsity students compassionately demonstrated the truth about our God that few know: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27.

Financial Update
I know we are all well aware of the present economic situation, and I am well aware that you are having to carefully consider where and who you spend your money on this Christmas Season. I am praying for you all that the Lord will provide for you and your family in miraculous ways. I pray also that you will choose to invest the resources you do have in building the Kingdom of God (whether through InterVarsity or some other ministry). I do hope you consider the amazing effect your investment could have in the life of a student.

My budget for the year is $48,000. I have currently raised $31,000, and therefore, I have a $17,000 deficit. My hope is to raise $7,000 in December in order to receive a monthly raise and continue working on campus with the students. Would you consider beginning a monthly donation? Or if you prefer, consider giving a one-time donation of $100, $200, $500, or more. Donate online at and click on “donors”.

Our First Christmas

In addition to seeing all of our family we also got the chance to celebrate our first Christmas together as husband and wife. Our apartment is teeny tiny, so I was hesitant to put up any decorations. But that did last long. We both consider Christmas a time of great celebration and joy, so it seemed a little "Scrougian" to not put anything up. So I went to the local produce market and found the perfect little tree - small enough to fit into my Civic but cheery enough to brighten our apartment. As you can see from the picture its definately better than the Charlie Brown tree ;) And it even came with a stand and water holder so we didnt have to go out and buy one.
I loved having it - I would take any work or reading I had out the to living room just so that I could turn the lights on and enjoy them.
The one problem with the tree was the fact that Drew is allergic...which we found out for sure only after the second day of having it in our house. We enjoyed it as long as we could and just made sure he didnt sit right next to it, except when we opened our presents. Since we have to leave to visit our families we ended up giving it to some of our neighbors before we left. I hope they enjoyed it.
When its your first Christmas as a family you tend to think alot about the traditions you would like to start. Of course, we are still amending ours and are keeping our ears out for any we like from other people. But one of the activities we did this year, that we decided we would like to keep as a tradition was building a gingerbread house. My mom gave us a whole kit (so I didnt have to come up with a way to bake all the pieces). Being the perfectionists that we are we were a little displeased with it at first due to the fact that someone (ok, it was me) added a little too much water to the frosting which meant that the candy had a tendency to slide of the roof and stick not at all to the sides of the house unless you held it there for an eternity without moving. It was probably a good excercise for us to learn to take ourselves less seriously and just have some fun. In the end we were quite proud of our little gingerbread house and kept it on our dining table.
We hope your Christmases were all just as enjoyable :)

a long absence

Sorry for the long delay in posting anything new. Life has been hectic, especially over the holidays. Drew and I got a chance to see both sides of our family - which was both enjoyable and exhausting, considering we only had two weeks in which to see everyone (including family in Michigan). The first few weeks of January have consisted of us going back to school and work. More to come...