I went to the Art*Music*Justice Concert on October 25th - it was in Carrollton at my old church (Bent Tree Bible Fellowship). Wow! If it comes to your city, or if it is close to you please, please, please go. The artists that participate are so talented, so humble, and speak truth so clearly. It has been a long time since I was blessed in such a way. I was able to commune with God as a part of a community, not merely as one individual among many. I felt connected to the rest of humanity, not just to those in the room, but connected to the Holy Spirit who lives, moves, and breathes across the nations. And I was encouraged that I am a part of an amazing history, I was greatly encouraged and awed by all the saints that have gone before us - giving their lives fully to demonstrate the love, power, compassion, and justice of our great God. In a time when so much of what I hear and see The Church doing reflects so little of God's character, I was so abundantly joyful and my hope was revived that God hears the cries of his people, he seeks to free those in bondage and pleads the case for the widow and orphan. And amazingly he gifts his people with courage in the face of great fear, oppression, and darkness in this world that is not our home, to overcome the powers of darkness and build His Kingdom of Light, Hope, Love, and Peace on the earth. There are people who are fighting the darkness, everyday. I pray that I might be among their number.
This particular event's proceeds went toward ending human trafficing, an evil (and I dont use that word lightly) and growing movement in our world. Currently the practice of human trafficing enslaves 27 million people around the world. This is more than at any other time in human history. And if you think it only happens in far off countries you are wrong - the CIA recently reported that as many as 50,000 women and children are brought into the USA every year under false pretenses and then forced unwillingly into roles as abused laborers, servants, and prostitutes.
Please educate yourself about this issue. Here are some helpful websites: ijm.org, notforsalecampaign.org, humantrafficing.org, freechains.org
Please pray for those who are broken, suffering, and in bondage due to human trafficing. Pray for it to cease.
Consider writing a letter to your local and state officials asking them to approve stiffer laws against human trafficing.